Thursday, June 27, 2013

Response to Hull's article on blogging!!!

Blogging is not a writing style or hobby. Blogging is above the conventional expression of language and communication. I have been blogging for almost five years. I love to write, and express my opinion in any given subject. Hulls' article give a detail explanation on what blogging is, what blog does, and how it is expressed. Blogging can expressed and completed in various. Some blog through simple writing, some do video blogs, other do picture blogging, and others do podcast blogging. Blogging is a unique expression for anyone who does it.

Hull's give examples on how blogging is being used by various companies to reach their target audiences. He also gives examples of guidelines and rules on blogging. I never thought there was so many that used blogging, like major companies, newspapers, and international individuals. Blogging has become universal phenomenon.

My blog link:

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