Friday, September 14, 2007

Anti-Gay Myth Debunked???

It always seems that when someone is HIV+ someone accuses them of being promiscuous. Well, in this latest research from Washington Post clickhere, it gives a different view:

The HIV epidemic among gay men can’t be explained by their number of sexual partners, U.S. researchers report.

But the sexual behaviors of gay and heterosexual men in the United States may not be as different as most people think, the researchers said. In fact, two surveys found that most gay men have a similar rate of sex with unprotected partners compared to straight men or women.

Justice MH: Now like many studies, this one may have flaws, and it's not conclusive. However, too many people quick to judge people who HIV+. Blaming and judging others will not lower the HIV/AIDS rates. Responsibility and knowledge are the keys to helping this epidemic.

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