Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Breaking News: Hypocritical GOP Senator Larry Craig may not resign!!!

Oh Lord, this is getting even more interesting with the GOP party. Now, it's being reported that restroom cruising GOP Senator Larry Craig may not resign from the U.S Senate. The GOP party is already struggling toward the November 2008 elections to regain control of the Senate. Which I hope they don't. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell threatened to investigate Craig, may have started it already. What will he say about Sen. Larry's defiance of the GOP party's wishes?

Sen. Larry Craig is reconsidering his decision to resign after his arrest in a Minnesota airport sex sting and may still fight for his Senate seat, his spokesman said Tuesday evening.
"It's not such a foregone conclusion anymore, that the only thing he could do was resign," said Sidney Smith, Craig's spokesman in Idaho's capital.

"We're still preparing as if Sen. Craig will resign Sept. 30, but the outcome of the legal case in Minnesota and the ethics investigation will have an impact on whether we're able to stay in the fight -- and stay in the Senate."

9pm: Mike Rogers is on Hannity and Colmes discussing this right now.

Justice MH: I wonder what the GOP party Will do now? They're trying to please their conservative base, and regain their standards they claim to stand for. Will the GOP affirm their gay GOPs officials and same-sex behavior? Will they continue their witch hunt for the closet hypocritical GOP officials? That remains to be seen. I think we all can guess what they will do to clean up this mess.

Let me know what you think!

[Updates/post tomorrow AM-Justice MH]


Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter...homosexuality should NEVER be acceptable.

Justice MH said...

@Captain: Homosexuality should be acceptable. It's not going away, nor will your sexual orientation change.

It's time to face reality. Homosexuality has been here with GOd-made same-gender loving people of all colors.

Anonymous said...

That is what you want us to believe, but I know better and I know God never bless "same-gender loving" and you know that too.

Justice MH said...

@Captain: No, I beg to differ.

You see we're two different people with different mindsets.

You feel a book called the holy bible is God, and bias, baseless interpretation make up what God feels, and thinks. Which is flat out ridiculous and stupid.

Those like me with right-thinking and reason know better and know the truth that God blesses love and relationships. God sure blesses same gender loving people who he created!

Lastly Captain, don't try to tell me what i know. I'm not self-loathing like you. I know that God blesses love, and doesn't care who we love.

Love is love. Get over it!

Anonymous said...

You know, that is the same thinking the children of Israel had when they were worshipping other gods and lovers of themselves than reverencing the Almighty God. That is a VERY dangerous place to be.

Justice MH said...

@Captain: Oce again you miss the mark.

The difference between the children of Israel and people is me, is time, culture, and knowing the truth about God's character, and nature.

God's comes first, i don't worship other gods, or love myself so damn much i forgot about God.

In fact knowing your true self gets you more closer to God. The all-loving almighty God is about love and love knows no gender and color!

Once again, love is love! Get over it!